At our March 25th meeting, City Council's Public Service Committee received a troubling presentation from the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel. The Ohio Consumers' Counsel represents Ohio households as our advocate at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) when utilities request changes to their rate structures. 

Dominion Energy has asked the PUCO for a 30% hike in what it charges consumers for natural gas distribution service. The increase, if approved, will cost a typical residential consumer more than $100 a year. Additionally, Dominion is asking to charge its consumers even more - with add-on monthly charges of $8.78 per month with the ability to raise this charge as high as $29.69 per month by 2032. None of these requested increases relate to usage, these are charges Ohio households would have to absorb no matter how much natural gas they use. 

The Ohio Consumers' Counsel is objecting on behalf of Ohioans, arguing the request is too much for Dominion customers who are already facing financial difficulties with higher energy prices and inflation. Whether you are a Dominion customer or not, you can use your voice to support the Ohio Consumers' Counsel objection. 

  • Comment at a public hearing (NOTE: Akron should be a site for a public hearing, details to follow)
  • Comment online through the PUCO website HERE
  • Send a letter by mail referencing Dominion's case number "Case 23-894" to: Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 E. Broad Street, 11th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215


Want to know more about this issue? You can read the Consumers' Counsel Motion to Intervene in the case HERE